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Fort Paull, near Kingston Upon Hull.


Fort Paull was built around 1542 during the reign of King Henry VIII and has been used for various purposes including coastal defence during the war. Currently it is a museum which holds a large number of military equipment, vehicles, a huge plane and much more. I have heard that a Paranormal Group nearby hold ghost hunts in the Fort, I can't say I know of any activity they have experienced as personally I have never attended one of their hunts, however, the following is an experience had by not only myself but by my wife and kids too.

Fort Paull was a place we all wanted to visit, myself and the kids especially as we enjoy history. It was reasonably cheap for us all to go so we picked a day and went, it is only a 20 minute drive from where we live so really ideal for a day out. As we arrived we noticed that there were no other cars in the parking area and was concerned if the place was closed, luckily it was open, we were just the only ones there.  We paid our entrance fee and went on our own tour of the Fort, it was a bright day and void of other visitors - we were quite happy having the place to ourselves.

As we wandered about we took in all the sites, tanks, planes and other military equipment that was on show but then noticed that there was several tunnels around the site. We decided to explore these tunnel after seeing the main ares of the site. Pictured is one of the tunnels in the museum, sadly not the actual tunnel I will be telling you about, but one very similar.

We explored several tunnels and looked at the various exhibits that had been created in each one, and of course, trying to make the kids jump in the dark tunnels!  We entered the tunnel that this experience is about. We walked down some stone steps and found it was quite dark, a little damp and had a gravel floor. 



We were enjoying visiting the tunnels and had talked about if they were haunted or not, we all agreed that a place as old as this and used for so many things, really should be hauted....don't you think?  As we stood looking at the exhibit that had been made at the end of the tunnel we heard foot steps come down the stone steps and start to walk along the gravel floor. We thought to move along and allow the other visitors space to look at the exhibit but as we turned around there was no one there and also the long rope handle on the steps was swinging as if someone held onto it while walking!

I have heard that many people have experienced things at Fort Paull, for us, this was the only experience.  Having said that, it was nice to have something that people with me experienced too.

Thank you for visiting, please come again.

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